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8th December 2014: Photos of Bromo, Semeru and Welirang volcano, East java (5-6th December 2014)


Activity level at Bromo remained the same as my visit in October. Most of the water present in the crater of Bromo troughout 2014 have now vapourized. Semeru volcano that is located south-east of the Tengger Caldera, had crater-glow visible during the night. The crater-glow is caused by it`s growing lava-dome. Mount Welirang, emitted a steam-plume that seems to originate from Kawah Jero crater. The plume was the most intense I have ever witnessed from the mountain.


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16th October 2014: Photos from Semeru volcano, East java (10-11th October 2014)

Activity levels at Semeru have picked up pace the last months, as was observed visually and also seen trough continious hotspot activity by the MODIS thermal monitoring system. Activity level looked similar to my visit on in August and September. On this visit I made it to the summit, and observed the growing lava dome, moderate degassing and frequent mild strombolian eruptions that sent material up to heights of 50-100meter above the crater. Rumbling sounds was heard constantly, presumably from the pressure released during the degassing and strombolian events.


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16th October 2014: Photos from Bromo volcano, East java (9th October 2014)


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30th September 2014: Photos of the Lumpur Sidoarjo mudvolcano, East java (28th September 2014)


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22th September 2014: Photos of Mount Slamet, Central-Java, Indonesia.

Slamet have been very active the last few weeks, with strong strombolian activity troughout August and the first weeks of September. Unfortunatly during my visit (19-20th September), only weak degassing was seen from the crater area.


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16th September 2014: Photos of Mount Semeru Volcano, East-Java, Indonesia.

Activity levels at Semeru have picked up pace the last months, as was observed last month visually and also seen trough continious hotspot activity by the MODIS thermal monitoring system. Rockfall from the growing lava-dome was observed on this visit as well, and the activity level looked similar to my visit on 27-28th August.


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01th September 2014: Photos of Mount Semeru Volcano, East-Java, Indonesia.

Activity levels at Semeru have picked up pace the last month. During a visit on 27-28th August I observed a contant crater glow caused by incandescent material in the crater, small strombolian activity and rockfall from the crater-area/lava dome.


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18th June 2014: Aerial video from the Bromo-Tengger-Semeru nationalpark, East-Java, Indonesia.

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18th June 2014: 10 photos from the Bromo-Tengger-Semeru nationalpark, East-Java, Indonesia.

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8th June 2014: 14 photos from Krakatau Volcano, Sunda Straits, Indonesia.

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8th June 2014: 13 photos from the Tengger Caldera, East-Java, Indonesia.


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4th June 2014: Aerial photo and video of the Sidarjo Mudflow, East Java, Indonesia.

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Øystein Lund Andersen © 2011-2014
