Mount Raung Volcano have been very active during July 2015, with almost continious activity. Ash emissions have shut down airspace for commercial flights, forcing planes to reroute and several airports to close for several days. The airports that have been affected are Bali International airport, Surabaya International Airport, Jember airport and Banjuwangi airport. The airports have closed on the days where ash-emissions have affected these areas.
I visited Raung with the objective to photograph the activity on the 27th-28th July. Activity was ongoing, but seemed to have decreased slightly from the days before my arrival. Ash-emissions was altough ongoing, heading W/NW direction and rumbling sounds could be heard troughout the night. The moon was up most of the night, but after moonset, a slight lava-glow was appearant in the crater area, and can be seen on some of the photos.
Photos was taken from the SW flank of the volcano.