3-4th January
Updated: 4th January 21:10 local time.
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3th January
Activity of the Volcano
Weather was rather poor throughout the day and offered only a few windows of observation. When observed, Bromo was seen sending up a plume to a height around 800-1000m. No rumbling sounds were heard from the eruption or lava glow at night. In the afternoon however, Lahar`s were observed (see photos below), accompanied by distinct sound of flowing material. Lahars were seen on twice occurrences throughout the afternoon. It was a rather interesting experience, since no rainfall was observed on my point of observation, but must have occurred and triggered the Lahar in the vicinity of Bromo.

4th January
Activity of the Volcano
Eruption plume reached up to 1000m or higher above Bromo today. Lahars were observed in the afternoon near the foot of Bromo, similar to what was observed yesterday.