Gede volcano on the NW tip of Java is of Quaternary age and is located about 280 km from the trench (van Bemmelen 1949b). The Gede Salak volcanic complex consists of pyroclastic flows on its western flanks and lava flows on its eastern flanks (Kurniawan et al., 2011). Mt. Gede is also surrounded by Plio-Quaternary tuffs (Banten Tuffs) ranging from 0.07 to 0.1 Ma in age (Pramumijoyo and Sebrier, 1991). Kurniawan et al. (2011) suggest that these Tuffs came from the calderas of the nearby Rawa Dano volcanic complex but gravity anomalies in the region suggest that neither Gede nor its nearby volcanoes could have been responsible for these ignimbrites and instead suggest a pre-existing caldera in the Sunda Straight was responsible (Nishimura et al., 1986). Source: Global Volcanism Program
There is another Gede volcano in West-Java. Photos here