2012 April

6-7 April


Published: 2012

Last updated: 27th March 2018 (re-posted photos with higher resolution)


Type of activity observed:

The crater was illuminated by lava (dome) in the night, the location of the light is the southern part of the crater.

On the morning of the 7th April 2012 Anak Krakatau started to produce small eruptions from the southern part of the crater. The location of the eruption was on the same side of the crater, that of the growing lava dome, which several sources have reported about during the last few weeks. This might suggest a collapse of the Lava dome due to the eruptions that now are being seen? The eruption clouds only reached a height of 100-150meters and contained small amounts of ash and only a little rock fall. The eruptions were not of an explosive character. The rest of the crater and its fumaroles are producing a continuous white cloud of steam/gas, rising to greater heights than the eruption clouds from the southern part of the crater.



Photos published are available in high resolution (RAW format). Videos are typically available in full-HD or higher (4K). If you are interested in a purchase, please see this page


Note: Some of these photos are marked with the wrong date, whereas it should be date 7th April. This concerns the last 10 photos in the article.


Krakatau volcano indonesia eruption April 2012 anak-krakatau
Krakatau seen from the West upon arrival in the morning

Krakatau volcano indonesia eruption April 2012 anak-krakatau

Krakatau volcano indonesia eruption April 2012 anak-krakatau
Krakatau seen from the East

Krakatau volcano indonesia eruption April 2012 anak-krakatau Krakatau volcano indonesia eruption April 2012 anak-krakatau Krakatau volcano indonesia eruption April 2012 anak-krakatau

Krakatau volcano indonesia eruption April 2012 anak-krakatau
Just after sunset Incandescence could be seen from the crater

Krakatau volcano indonesia eruption April 2012 anak-krakatau

Krakatau volcano indonesia eruption April 2012 anak-krakatau
Ash-venting occurs and last for a few hours, no ejecta observed.

Krakatau volcano indonesia eruption April 2012 anak-krakatau Krakatau volcano indonesia eruption April 2012 anak-krakatau Krakatau volcano indonesia eruption April 2012 anak-krakatau Krakatau volcano indonesia eruption April 2012 anak-krakatau Krakatau volcano indonesia eruption April 2012 anak-krakatau Krakatau volcano indonesia eruption April 2012 anak-krakatau Krakatau volcano indonesia eruption April 2012 anak-krakatau Krakatau volcano indonesia eruption April 2012 anak-krakatau Krakatau volcano indonesia eruption April 2012 anak-krakatau