Cenderawasih University (UNCEN) in Jayapura, Papua
Cenderawasih University is the oldest and the leading educational institution in the province of Papua, Indonesia. (New Guinea). The university was inagurated in 1962, and has faculties in economics, law, teacher training and education, medical, biology and social and political science. The University is divided into two areas (as of 2007): Kampus lama” (old campus) in the Jayapura suburb of Abepura and the “Kampus baru” (new campus) which is in the hillside of the suburb of Waena. The administrative building (directorate) of the University is located at the Kampus Baru on a hilltop with view over Waena and Lake Sentani.
I studied anthropology at the Faculty of Social and Political Science at Cenderawasih during the years 2003-2007. These photos are taken at the University, its kampus but also from social events together with students and lecturers. Im grateful to my years in Papua, and especially for all the great knowledge and experience I obtained from knowledgable lecturers and students at the University. Many of my best experiences and memories I have from Papua and the University, the Papuan culture, the Papuan humor and jokes, and the many charming personalities – are something I miss every time I think about it. There were some struggles too, I remember someone writing that Papua was “bittersweet”, I can relate to that, but I will abstain from saying more about that.
Special thanks to Naffi Sanggenafa (rip), Barkis Suraatmadja (rip), Fredrik Sokoy and Johsz Mansoben who assited me greatly with my fieldwork and became my friends. And to Sam Renyaan a lecturer, who was the person that actually made it possible for me to be a part of the Cenderawasih University.
Lastly, if anyone from Papua (UNCEN students/lecturers/alumni) are visiting this page and are interested in high-res resolution photos shown here: Send me a email, ofcourse I will share the photos with you.
2003 – 2009
The entrance gate to Campus UNCEN (baru) in Waena.The Bird of Paradise (Cenderawasih) bird above the entrance gate. The Cenderawasih is part of the University`s logo.The campus seen from below. TheThe administrative building is the building on the top of the hill.The administrative building .The administrative buildingThe administrative buildingEntrance to the the administrative buildingInnaguration stone from when the New Campus (Kampus baru) was built (1993)Faculty of Social Science and Politics. (FISIP)Faculty of Social Science and Politics. (FISIP)The faculty of Social Science and Politics (FISIP) have two sub-faculties: Administration and AnthropologyThe UNCEN football fieldFaculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA)Physics labratoriumLibrary (Perpustakaan)IT department (UPT Komputer).Museum Loka Budaya, located in Kampus lamah (Abepura)Inside the Museum. The Museum have a extended collection of Papuan material culture from Asmat to the highlands of Papua. It is open for the public.Nikko, employee of the Cenderawasih Museum Loka Budaya in AbepuraFredrik Sokoy, a great Anthropologist and lecturer, and at the time the Curator of the Cenderawasih University Museum, here photographed at his office. He is currently one of the Assistant-Rektor`s at the university (2018)Student cultural performance in JayapuraExcited participants..The Anthropology class of 2003, with Lecturer Mrs. Mientje RumbiakPreparation of the initiation process of the new faculty students of 2005.Bus ready to bring participants to Sentani, where the initation was held for 2 days.Arriving in the outskirts of Sentani.SeniorsNew students surrounded by seniors.Best guitar player at the University of Cenderawasih..New students listening to the words of Yosephine Griapon, a lecturer at the faculty..Bon fire in the eveningMe and Hans from 2003 class.With new students of 2005 class.Dont remember how this went..Exciting days. This was on the last day when the Initation was finalized at a beach area in Holtekamp in the Youtefa bay......
At the faculty (FISIP)Barkis Suraatmadja (Rip) at his desk. He was a great lecturer at the Cenderawasih University. Highly respected for his knowledge of Papuan kinship systems and general culture. He was strict, had his original sense of humor and were always precicely on-time.From left: Albert Wleskadith, Me, Barkis Suraatmadja and Maximus Kandam..At the faculty (FISIP).Hans Yawan and Maximus.Naffi Sanggenafa, a Lecturer and the Dean on Anthropology during my period at the University.Naffi Sanggenafa and me..
Walking down from the faculty after a day of study.Taxi stand at the entrance of the kampus baru in Waena.Faculty Christmas celebration 2005....University main Christmas celebration 2005....Waiting for a class to startPreparing to depart for 2 weeks of fieldwork in Sentani, Anthropology class of 2003.Faculty Lecturers: Ivone Poli and Fredrik Sokoy giving a briefing before departure...(From left) Albert, Lecturer Lenny Manalip, Pieter, Maximus, Alfares and Daisy..Lenny, Lea and Nina participating in working with the extraction of Sago starch in SentaniPutting down research notes. My team did research in the village of Babrongko.With the great lecturer Barkis Suraatmadja (Rip). From left: Lea, Lenny, Barkis, Eke, Nina and me..Dinner at the house of the village-head in Babrongko.With the head of village of Babrongko and his kids.Last evening in Babrongko...Students, and youth from Babrongko..Hans Yawan the videographer 🙂Naman Giban and Eke GwijanggeNaman, Maximus and Hans hitching a ride to Abepura.
Departure to Engros village in the Youtefa bay. We went there for a christmas celebration..Engros village.....Engros village.Christmas decoration at the church in 2006.Frans Apomfires, Lanny Manalip, Barkis Suraatmadja and Johsz R. Mansoben – with students in a seminar on Anthopology fieldwork in Papua.Barkis Suraatmadja commenting on a students performance..Presentation in front of the Lecturer, Yosephine Griapon.
Preparing to depart to Palangkaraya, Kalimantan to participate in nationwide art-gathering for Indonesian Museums. We represented Museum Loka Budaya of Cenderawasih University. Most of the participants with us were students that were to perform during the event in Palangkaraya...Arrival in Palangkarya. From left: Habel Samakori, Fredrik Sokoy, Ivonne Poli, Enrico Kondologit and me..Ivonne Poli with students..The Rector of Cenderawasih University (second from the left) also participated on the visit to Palangkaraya.With the host (middle), head of the Museum in Palangkaraya.In front of the Palangkaraya Museum..With Habel Samakori and Enrico KondologitIvonne and Habel with some of the Dancers from Papua...Preparations before the performance....Our Papuan friends performance, lead by the lead figure Permenas.The Cenderawasih Rector was appriciated in front of the crowd by being given a hat decorated with a Cenderawasih bird, by the Papuan dancers, his students.Rector giving notes.The Papuan performance did ofcourse outperform the other dancing performings from the other provinces. In front Lenny......In front Milie Mansoben..(Unnamed, Unnamed, me, Rector Balthasar Kambuaya and Fredrik Sokoy)The Papua team....Refreshing at riverside of one of the Rivers outside Palangkaraya.....Fredrik Sokoy.......The event is over, waiting to depart back to Jayapura..
Me and my friend Maximus Kandam in the field in the village of Terablu in Lepki tribe territory. This was the fieldtrip where I collected the majority of the data I used for my thesis.
In Terablu, during my research among the Lepki. See more photos hereDefending my thesis, The Lepki People of Sogber River, New Guinea (Indonesian title: “Masyarakat Lepki di dataran rendah Sungai Sogber Distrik Aboy Kabupaten Pegunungan Bintang”). My advicors were Fredrik Sokoy and Dr. Johsz R. MansobenFrom left: Me, Fredrik Sokoy, Johsz Mansoben and Ivonne PoliHandro lekitoo, Fredrik Sokoy, Me, Johsz Mansoben and Ivonne PoliLecturer Barkis Suraatmadja also attended, from the sidelines, and ofcourse had a few questions regarding my research. I really appriciated that.Me, Barkis Suraatmadja and Johsz Mansoben..My friends also came, Maximus kandam, Naman Giban and the rastaman Aquarisal Imbiri.Graduation day, here with Fredrik Sokoy and Habel Samakori.With Maximus Kandam and Aquarisal Imbiri...Habel Samakori, Ivonne Poli, me and Fredrik Sokoy.
.Habel and me.During a gathering of some of the students of the Anthropology class of 2003. It was the last social event together in 2007 after Graduation.
The directorate of Cenderawasih was partly damaged in a fire in 2009.