Volcanic activity at Sanggabuana, a stratovolcano in northwest Java, began in the late Tertiary, but continued into the Quaternary (Bronto 1995, pers. comm.; Soeria-Atmadja, 1998). K-Ar dating on a sample from an andesite lava outcrop yielded an age of about 5.35 Ma (Soeria-Atmadja et al., 1998). Products consist of lava flows alternating with pyroclastic and laharic breccias. There are also several andesitic plugs (Soeria-Atmadja et al., 1998). Sanggabuana is also associated with the Jatiluhur-Sanggabuana-Gunung Subang mineral belt (Soeria-Atmadja et al., 1998).
Source: Global Volcanism Program
Several lava domes (andesitic plugs) is located East of Sanggabuana. Among others: Parang, Bongkok, Lembu and Cilalawi. These may be associated with the volcanic activity of Sanggabuana volcano or an ancient caldera in the Jatiluhur area.
13th November 2022